PLEASE NOTE: This website is no longer valid and will soon be deleted. The master P. M. Translators website is now located at
Please go there.
Thank you!
The General Memetics Team
ABOUT PM Websites
WHAT ARE PM Websites?
Possibility Management Websites are powerful Territories and Maps of the Possibility Management Gameworld containing and providing Distinctions, Possibility, Doorways and Experiments through Thoughwareupgrades. Each one of them is a Seed within a Seed, a Doorway multidimensionally linked to other Doorways.
Each Website consits of a set of powerful DISTINCTIONS, followed by NOTES that unfold the DISTINCTION in practical details, and then some EXPERIMENTS you can try to develop your ability to apply the DISTINCTION in your daily life.
Possibility Management Websites are originally written by Clinton Callahan ( and Anne-Chloé Destremau, as well many of the websites contain Materials from other Possibility Managers.
Reading PM Websites and doing the Experiments makes you Build Matrix to hold more consciousness.
All existing PM Websites are available for free online to anyone, anywhere around the world at any time of day or night and can be found here: or here:
We are working on that once more translated websites in multiple languages have been created. For now, all existing PM Websites are accessible through as well as the other Possibility Management Websites. Their are all part of a bubbles in a bubble Map, linked within each other. To find the PM Websites in the language you look for, please look at the languages regional website. They might have them listed there!
Find the regional websites as well as newsletter subscriptions below:
- Fresh new german language PM Websites are sent out once a month attached to the Possibility Management D-A-CH newsletter. Subscribe here:
The distinctions that are unfolded within the PM Websites emerge from the same Context as Possibility Management, that is, the Context of Radical Responsibility.
Radical Responsibility is also a Bright Principle, and as such, is an inexhaustible resource that any human being can tap into and use in your daily life, interactions, and projects.
The connection between Possibility Management and PM Websites is simply that by regularly doing PM Website Experiments, you build the precise kind of Matrix into Your Being that makes you more conscious and capable of creating and managing Possibility for yourself, your loved ones, your Team, your projects, and your clients. In this perspective, PM Websites can be regarded as a jungle-gym workout park for Possibilitators.
PM Websites are also a solid food supply for Possibility Teams, Possibility Coaches, Possibility Mediators, Possibility Psychologists, Memetic Engineers, and, of course any form of Possibiltiy Management Experiment Groups.
HOW ARE PM Websites PART OF THE GAME? is a massively-multiplayer online-and-offline personal-transformation thoughtware-upgrade game being created by the team at General Memetics.
PM Websites are a part of the game because each PM Website that you read earns you one Matrix Point, and each PM Website EXPERIMENT that you actually do (not just think about doing...) earns you one or more additional Matrix Points.
Georg Pollitt programmed the platform on which Experimenters are able to register the Matrix Points they have earned.
Our theory is that if we can collectively build one million new Matrix Points at we will change the morphogenetic field of the human race for the better, creating together a brighter future for humanity on Earth.
There are heroines and heroes...
One of them is you.
Now we get to the interesting part: there are some heroines and heroes out there Taking A Stand to make the Upgraded Thoughtware and Experiments in PM Websites available to speakers of other languages.
These heroines and heroes are the PM Website Translators.
This website is dedicated to your courage and commitment to sharing something cool with other people. We thank you with deep gratitude for your work.
Being a PM Website Translator is an 'informally' formal arrangement. We do not have the funds to pay you for your translation work. At the same time, there is a particular format and procedure for the translating, formatting, and uploading of the PM Websites which requires particular attention to details.
The rewards for translating PM Websites are many, not the least of which are:
- A deeper integration of your understanding of each of the Distinctions given in the Website.
- Creating the possibility that more people who speak your language will have direct access to the Thoughtware upgrades from Possibility Management.
- We will list you and your website on the PM Website Translators-Website for your language as a translator of PM Websites.
- You will be building up your circle of people who speak your native language to connect with and invite them to your house for a weekly Possibility Team, using the translated PM Websites as the content for your Experiments together. These may then become the same people who participate in your local talks, workshops, Expand The Box trainings and Possibility Labs.
For more information about creating an Expand The Box training in your area, please visit the website:
For more information about building a Possibility Management Possibilitator Path Circle in your area, please visit the website:
For more information about what other things Possibility Managers are creating please visit the website:
If you want to apply for being a PM Website translator in a new language, or you want to join one of the existing PM Website translation teams, please write directly to Clinton Callahan (clinton at nextculture dot org) or Markus Bork (markusbork at posteo dot de)
Thank you! Merci beaucoup! благодарю вас! Muchas gracias! Vielen Dank! Arrigato gozaimasu! Dziękuję Ci! Grazie!
PM Websites are currently being translated into 1 other language than english. There are a few billion people on Earth who cannot read english nor german. They are missing out on the Clarity and Possibilities from Thoughtware upgrades and the Matrix-building Experiments in the PM Websites. It would be a service of significant merit if you make PM Websites available in a new language...
NOTE 1: All existing PM Websites are posted online at:
NOTE 2: We use the two letter language codes from
NOTE 3: The person listed first is the Spaceholder for that Translation Team.
NOTE 4: Translators can also join the Global PM Website Translators Group on Telegram. (To be added to the Telegram group, please write to Markus Bork <markusbork at posteo dot de>.)
8. GERMAN - de
- Markus Bork (Spaceholder)
- Sophia Wegele
- Sabine Lange
- Nicole Anja Herter
- Eva Daubert
- Felix Fulda
- Lisa Ommert
- Christine Kruse
- Christine Ploschenz
These magical details make PM Website translations possible.
Please use the default Design of the PM Website (english version) that you are. You will receive acces to a cloned version of the english PM Website for your language. Please DO NOT translate the footer. We want to leave them in English for all languages, because all of our links and infrastructure are in English.
We pubslish the the PM Websites and link them to so they can be easily found and read. Once you have published the website you translated, please send a notification to Clinton Callahan < clinton at nextculture dot org >.
Please give yourself a hug, have tea and scones with a friend, go out for a walk by the river or a stroll in the trees... find some way to celebrate and congratulate yourself for each PM Website or Chapter that you translate! This is big stuff.
Translating Possibility Management Distinctions into a new language is alchemical Transformation!
Most Translators report that while translating they go through Liquid States while the new Distinctions reorder their 5 Bodies. Probably this will happen to you too.
Such Liquid States are normal, and so... please take care of yourself. Bring your PM Websites and your Liquid States to your Possibility Team meetings and get support. Create a Translation Team. Please don't try to do this alone.
The original English is followed by the chosen terms in various languages.
List of English PM Terms In This Multilanguage Dictionary
- Archan
- Archiarchy
- Asshole Training
- Bag Of Things
- Balls (as in 'getting your balls back from your mother')
- Beep! Book
- Being
- Black Hole / Black Holes
- Bodies: Physical Body / Intellectual Body / Emotional Body / Energetic Body / Archetypal Body
- Box
- Bright Principles
- Bullshit
- Cavitation (to Cavitate new culture space)
- Center (your energetic center)
- Centering
- Clicker
- Completion Loop
- Conscious Feelings
- Disk Of Nothing
- Doer
- Dramaholic (Dramaholism, Dramaholics Anonymous)
- Edgeworker
- Ego State
- Emotion
- Emotional Reactivity
- Feedback
- Feeling
- Gameworld
- Giving Your Center Away
- Gremlin
- Gremlin Self Cannibalism
- Grounding Cord
- Guilt and Blame (the difference between them)
- Hammer Of Assertion
- Handling Things
- High Drama
- High Level Fun
- Holding
- Holding Space
- Is-Glue / Is-Glue Dissolver
- Low Drama
- Matrix / Matrix Point
- Muse
- Middleworld
- Navigating Space / Space Navigator
- Numbness Bar
- Poop On The Table Process
- Possibilitator (this is word that is not to be translated as it is one of those Universal words, like Harbigarrr!)
- Possibility Management
- Possibility Manager
- Possibility Team
- Radical Honesty
- Radical Relating
- Radical Reliance
- Radical Responsibility
- Radical Simplicity
- Rage Club
- Relationship Space Cleanout Process
- Shadow Principles
- Spaceholder
- Sword Of Clarity
- Technopenuriaphobia (TPP) (not usually translated as it is a Latin word)
- Thoughtmap
- Thoughtware (S.H.I.T. = Standard Human Intelligence Thoughtware)
- Thoughtware Upgrade
- Toolbelt / Energetic Tools
- Torus Technology
- Trigger / Being Triggered
- Underworld
- Unhookable
- Upperworld
- Voice Blaster
- Walker (the one who generates useful energy turbulence in a Torus Technology Circle Meeting)
- Wand of Declaration
- White Widow
- Winning Happening
- Yellow Stuff
- Zombies
Archan ( a person who lives contexted in Archiarchy
Arabic - ar: أرخان
Chinese - zh:
Czech - cz: Archán, osoba, která žije v kontextu archiarchie.
Dutch - nl:
Finnish - fi:
French - fr: Archan
German - de:
Greek - el:
Hebrew - he:
Hungarian - hu:
Italian - it:
Japanese - ja:
Maori - mi:
Polish - pl:
Portuguese - pt:
Romanian - ro:
Russian - ru:
Spanish - es:
Swahili - sw:
Swedish - sv:
Turkish - tr:
Archiarchy ( the regenerative culture naturally emerging around the world now that matriarchy and patriarchy have run their course
Arabic - ar: archiarchy
Chinese - zh:
Czech - cz: Archiarchát (Archiarchie) regenerativní kultura, která se přirozeně objevuje na celém světě poté, co matriarchát a patriarchát ukončily svou existenci.
Dutch - nl:
Finnish - fi:
French - fr: L'Archiarcat (la culture archiarcale), la culture regenérative qui emerge naturalle dans le monde, suivant le declin du matriarcat et du patriarcat.
German - de:
Greek - el:
Hebrew - he:
Hungarian - hu:
Italian - it:
Japanese - ja:
Maori - mi:
Polish - pl:
Portuguese - pt:
Romanian - ro:
Russian - ru:
Spanish - es:
Swahili - sw:
Swedish - sv:
Turkish - tr:
Asshole Training (
Arabic - ar: تدريب الأحمق
Chinese - zh:
Czech - cz: Trénink být Kreténem
Dutch - nl:
Finnish - fi:
French - fr: Formation de Connard (Conscient)
German - de: Arschloch-Training
Greek - el:
Hebrew - he:
Hungarian - hu:
Italian - it:
Japanese - ja:
Maori - mi:
Polish - pl: Trening Bycia Dupkiem
Portuguese - pt: Treino de Canalhas
Romanian - ro:
Russian - ru: Тренинг "как быть чудаком на букву М"
Spanish - es: Entrenamiento para ser un Cabrón consciente.
Swahili - sw:
Swedish - sv:
Turkish - tr:
Bag Of Things ( one of the 13 Tools of a Possibilitator
Arabic - ar: حقيبة الأشياء
Chinese - zh:
Czech - cz: Brašna s věcmi
Dutch - nl:
Finnish - fi:
French - fr: Sac des Choses
German - de: Beutel voll Dinge
Greek - el:
Hebrew - he:
Hungarian - hu:
Italian - it: Borsa delle Cose
Japanese - ja:
Maori - mi:
Polish - pl: Magiczny Worek/ Torba rzeczy
Portuguese - pt: Saco de Coisas
Romanian - ro:
Russian - ru: Рюкзак полезных вещей
Spanish - es: La bolsa de cosas
Swahili - sw:
Swedish - sv:
Turkish - tr:
Balls (as in 'getting your balls back from your mother') (
Arabic - ar: الخصيتين
Chinese - zh:
Czech - cz: Koule (jako v případě "vzít si zpět své koule od matky")
Dutch - nl:
Finnish - fi:
French - fr: Boules (dans le sense "récupére tes boules guardées par ta mère")
German - de: Eier (wie in "deine Eier von deiner Mutter zurückholen")
Greek - el:
Hebrew - he:
Hungarian - hu:
Italian - it: Palle
Japanese - ja:
Maori - mi:
Polish - pl: Jaja (tak jak: zabrać swoje jaja od matki)
Portuguese - pt: Tomates (como em "resgatart os seus tomates da guarda da sua mãe")
Romanian - ro: coaiele (a-ți lua coaiele înapoi de la mama ta)
Russian - ru: Бубенцы (как вернуть себе свои яйца обратно, от своей матери )
Spanish - es: Tus huevos
Swahili - sw:
Swedish - sv:
Turkish - tr:
Beep! Book (
Arabic - ar: كتاب الاخطاء (kitab alakhata')
Chinese - zh: 嘟!書 (Dū! Shū)
Czech - cz: Píp! Kniha
Dutch - nl:
Finnish - fi:
French - fr: Livre des Beep!
German - de: Beep! Buch
Greek - el:
Hebrew - he:
Hungarian - hu:
Italian - it: Quaderno dei Beep!
Japanese - ja: ビープ!本 (Bīpu! Hon)
Maori - mi:
Polish - pl: Beep! Book
Portuguese - pt: Livro dos Beep!
Romanian - ro: Caietul Bip!
Russian - ru: Бип-записная книжка
Spanish - es: Cuaderno ¡Bip!
Swahili - sw:
Swedish - sv:
Turkish - tr: Bip! Defteri
Being / Being With (
Arabic - ar:
Chinese - zh: 存在 (Cúnzài)
Czech - cz: být/být s (bytost)
Dutch - nl:
Finnish - fi:
French - fr: Être / Être avec
German - de: Sein / Sein mit
Greek - el:
Hebrew - he:
Hungarian - hu:
Italian - it: Essere
Japanese - ja: であること (Dearu koto)
Maori - mi:
Polish - pl: Istota
Portuguese - pt: Ser
Romanian - ro:
Russian - ru: Существо
Spanish - es: Ser/Ser con ser
Swahili - sw:
Swedish - sv:
Turkish - tr: Varlık
Black Hole / Black Holes
Arabic - ar:
Chinese - zh: 黑洞 / 黑洞 (Hēidòng / Hēidòng)
Czech - cz: Černá dira / Černé díry
Dutch - nl:
Finnish - fi:
French - fr: Trou Noir / Trous Noirs
German - de: Schwarzes Loch / Schwarze Löcher
Greek - el:
Hebrew - he:
Hungarian - hu:
Italian - it: Buco nero / Buchi Neri
Japanese - ja: ブラックホール / ブラックホール (Burakkuhōru/ burakkuhōru)
Maori - mi:
Polish - pl: Czarna Dziura/Czarne Dziury
Portuguese - pt: Buraco Negro/ Buracos Negros
Romanian - ro:
Russian - ru: Чёрная Дыра/ Черные Дыры
Spanish - es: Agujero negro
Swahili - sw:
Swedish - sv:
Turkish - tr: Kara Delik(ler)
Bodies: Physical, Intellectual, Emotional, Energetic, Archetypal (
Arabic - ar:
Chinese - zh: 身體:身體,智力,情感,精力充沛,原型 (Shēntǐ: Shēntǐ, zhìlì, qínggǎn, jīnglì chōngpèi, yuánxíng)
Czech - cz: Těla: Fyzické, Intelektuální, Emoční, Energetické, Archetypální
Dutch - nl:
Finnish - fi:
French - fr: Corps: Physique, Intellectuel, Émotionnel, Énergétique, Archétypique
German - de: Körper: Physisch, Mental, Emotional, Energetisch, Archetypisch
Greek - el:
Hebrew - he:
Hungarian - hu:
Italian - it: Corpi: Fisico, Intellettuale, Emozionale, Energetico, Archetipico
Japanese - ja: 身体:身体的、知的、感情的、エネルギッシュ、典型的 (Karada: Karada-teki, chiteki, kanjō-teki, enerugisshu, tenkei-teki)
Maori - mi:
Polish - pl: Ciała: Fizyczne, Intelektualne, Emocjonalne, Energetyczne, Archetypowe
Portuguese - pt: Corpos: Físico, Intelectual, Emocional, Energético, Arquetípico
Romanian - ro: Corpurile: Fizic, Intelectual, Emoțional, Energetic, Arhetipal
Russian - ru: Тела: Физическое, Интеллектуальное, Эмоциональное, Энергетическое, Архитепическое
Spanish - es: Cuerpos: físico, intelectual-mental, emocional, energético, arquetípico.
Swahili - sw:
Swedish - sv:
Turkish - tr: Bedenler: Fiziksel, Zihinsel, Duygusal, Enerjetik Beden, Arketip Beden
Arabic - ar:
Chinese - zh: 框 (Kuāng)
Czech - cz: Box
Dutch - nl:
Finnish - fi:
French - fr: Box
German - de: Box
Greek - el:
Hebrew - he:
Hungarian - hu:
Italian - it: Scatola
Japanese - ja: ボックス (Bokkusu)
Maori - mi:
Polish - pl: Box
Portuguese - pt: Caixa
Romanian - ro: Cutia
Russian - ru: Ящик, Коробка (Бокс)
Spanish - es: Caja
Swahili - sw:
Swedish - sv:
Turkish - tr: Kutu
Bright Principles (
Arabic - ar:
Chinese - zh: 光明原則 (Guāngmíng yuánzé)
Czech - cz: Světlé Zásady
Dutch - nl:
Finnish - fi:
French - fr: Principes Lumineux
German - de: Helle Prinzipien
Greek - el:
Hebrew - he:
Hungarian - hu:
Italian - it: Principi Luminosi
Japanese - ja: 明るい原則 (Akarui gensoku)
Maori - mi:
Polish - pl: Jasne Zasady
Portuguese - pt: Princípios Brilhantes
Romanian - ro: Principiile Luminoase
Russian - ru: Светлые Принципы
Spanish - es: Principios brillantes
Swahili - sw:
Swedish - sv:
Turkish - tr: Parlak İlkeler
Bullshit (
Arabic - ar:
Chinese - zh: 廢話 (Fèihuà)
Czech - cz: Kravina / Kraviny
Dutch - nl:
Finnish - fi:
French - fr: de la Merde
German - de: Bullshit / Bullenscheiße
Greek - el:
Hebrew - he:
Hungarian - hu:
Italian - it: Cazzata
Japanese - ja: でたらめ (Detarame)
Maori - mi:
Polish - pl: Bullshit
Portuguese - pt: Besteira (Brazil), Merda (Portugal)
Romanian - ro: Bullshit
Russian - ru: Бычье Дерьмо (ерунда, бессмыслица, несуразица, неправда)
Spanish - es: Caca de vaca
Swahili - sw:
Swedish - sv:
Turkish - tr:
Cavitate Space / Cavitation (to Cavitate new culture Space) (
Arabic - ar:
Chinese - zh:
Czech - cz: Kavitace prostoru / Kavitace (kavitace Prostoru nové kultury)
Dutch - nl:
Finnish - fi:
French - fr: Caviter un Espace / Cavitation (Caviter un nouvel Espace culturel)
German - de: Kavitation (zur Kavitation von neuem Kultur-Raum)
Greek - el:
Hebrew - he:
Hungarian - hu:
Italian - it:
Japanese - ja:
Maori - mi:
Polish - pl: Kawitacja (Skawitować/stworzyć Przestrzeń nowej kultury)
Portuguese - pt:
Romanian - ro: a cavita spațiu pentru Noua Cultură
Russian - ru: Кавитация (от лат. cavitas — пустота) (Создание Пространства Новой Культуры )
Spanish - es: Cavitación
Swahili - sw:
Swedish - sv:
Turkish - tr:
Center (your energetic center) (
Arabic - ar:
Chinese - zh: 中心(您精力充沛的中心)- Zhōngxīn (nín jīnglì chōngpèi de zhōngxīn)
Czech - cz: Centrum (tvoje energetické centrum)
Dutch - nl:
Finnish - fi:
French - fr: Centre (centre énergétique)
German - de: Zentrum (dein energetisches Zentrum)
Greek - el:
Hebrew - he:
Hungarian - hu:
Italian - it: Centro (il tuo centro energetico)
Japanese - ja: センター(エネルギーセンター)Sentā (enerugīsentā)
Maori - mi:
Polish - pl: Centrum (Twoje Centrum Energetyczne)
Portuguese - pt: Centro (o seu centro energético)
Romanian - ro: Centrul (Centrul tău energetic)
Russian - ru: Центр (Твой Энергетический Центр)
Spanish - es: Centro
Swahili - sw:
Swedish - sv:
Turkish - tr: Merkez (senin enerjetik merkezin)
Centering ('becoming Centered' means placing your Energetic Center on your Physical Center) (
Arabic - ar:
Chinese - zh:
Czech - cz: Centrování ("centrovat se" znamená umístit svůj energetický střed na svůj fyzický střed).
Dutch - nl:
Finnish - fi:
French - fr: Se centrer ('être centré' veut dire placer ton centre énergétique sur ton centre physique)
German - de: Zentrieren ('sich zentrieren' bedeutet, dass du dein energetisches Zentrum auf dein physisches Zentrum bringst)
Greek - el:
Hebrew - he:
Hungarian - hu:
Italian - it: Centrarsi ('essere centrato' vuol dire porre il tuo Centro Energetico nel tuo Centro Fisico)
Japanese - ja:
Maori - mi:
Polish - pl: Centrowanie się ("scentrować się" oznacza umieścić swoje Energetyczne Centrum w Centrum swojego Fizycznego Ciała)
Portuguese - pt: Centrar-se ('tornar-se centrado' significa colocar o seu Centro Energético no seu Centro Físico)
Romanian - ro: a te centra (a pune Centrul tău energetic în Centrul tău Fizic)
Russian - ru: Центрироваться («быть центрированным» означает поместить свой Энергетический Центр внутрь своего Физического Центра)
Spanish - es: Centrarse (estar 'centrado' significa poner tu centro energético en tu centro físico
Swahili - sw:
Swedish - sv:
Turkish - tr: Merkezlenme
Clicker ( one of the 13 Tools of a Possibilitator
Arabic - ar:
Chinese - zh:
Czech - cz: Klikač
Dutch - nl:
Finnish - fi:
French - fr: Clicker
German - de: Klicker
Greek - el:
Hebrew - he:
Hungarian - hu:
Italian - it: Clicker
Japanese - ja: クリッカー (Kurikkā)
Maori - mi:
Polish - pl: Kliker (poprzez kliknięcie palcami)
Portuguese - pt: Cliquer/Clicker (estrangeirismo)
Romanian - ro: Clicker
Russian - ru: Кликер (что-то чем можно кликать, в ПМ- щелчок пальцами)
Spanish - es: Clicker, mando.
Swahili - sw:
Swedish - sv:
Turkish - tr:
Completion Loop (
Arabic - ar:
Chinese - zh: 完成循環 (Wánchéng xúnhuán)
Czech - cz: Dokončovací smyčka
Dutch - nl:
Finnish - fi:
French - fr: les Boucles d'Achèvement
German - de: Vollendungsschleife
Greek - el:
Hebrew - he:
Hungarian - hu:
Italian - it: Ciclo di Completamento
Japanese - ja: 完了ループ (Kanryō rūpu)
Maori - mi:
Polish - pl: Pętla Dopełniająca
Portuguese - pt: Laço de Conclusão (laçar ou completar a comunicação)
Romanian - ro:
Russian - ru: Завершающий виток, круг (коммуникации)
Spanish - es: Circuito completo
Swahili - sw:
Swedish - sv:
Turkish - tr:
Conscious Feelings (
Arabic - ar:
Chinese - zh:
Czech - cz: Vědomé pocity
Dutch - nl:
Finnish - fi:
French - fr: Sentiments Conscients
German - de: Bewusste Gefühle
Greek - el:
Hebrew - he:
Hungarian - hu:
Italian - it: Emozioni consapevoli
Japanese - ja:
Maori - mi:
Polish - pl: Świadome Uczucia
Portuguese - pt: Sentimentos Conscientes
Romanian - ro:
Russian - ru: Осознанные чувства
Spanish - es: Sentimientos conscientes.
Swahili - sw:
Swedish - sv:
Turkish - tr: Bilinçli Hisler
Disk Of Nothing ( one of the 13 Tools of a Possibilitator
Arabic - ar:
Chinese - zh: 無盤 (Wú pán)
Czech - cz: Disk ničeho
Dutch - nl
Finnish - fi:
French - fr: Disque du Néant
German - de: Scheibe des Nichts
Greek - el:
Hebrew - he:
Hungarian - hu:
Italian - it: Disco del Niente
Japanese - ja: 何もないディスク (Nanimonai disuku)
Maori - mi:
Polish - pl: Dysk Nicości
Portuguese - pt: Disco do Nada
Romanian - ro:
Russian - ru: Диск Ничто
Spanish - es: Disco de nada
Swahili - sw:
Swedish - sv:
Turkish - tr:
Doer (the modern archetypal name for Stellated anger) (
Arabic - ar:
Chinese - zh:
Czech - cz: Dělač/Realizátor/Vykonavatel (moderní archetypální jméno pro rozzářený* hněv) *zářící jako hvězda
Dutch - nl:
Finnish - fi:
French - fr: Faiseur (nom de l'archétype moderne pour la Colère Étoilée)
German - de: Macher (der moderne archetypische Name für ersternte* Wut) *wie ein Stern strahlen
Greek - el:
Hebrew - he:
Hungarian - hu:
Italian - it: Doer (Colui che fa)
Japanese - ja: Doer(星の怒りの現代的な感情の原型名)
Maori - mi:
Polish - pl: Sprawca/Manifestator/Wykonawca
Portuguese - pt: Actuador/Fazedor/Autor
Romanian - ro:
Russian - ru: Доер (современное архетипическое название стеллированного гнева) Стелла (от латинского — «звезда»)
Spanish - es: El hacedor
Swahili - sw:
Swedish - sv:
Turkish - tr: Yapıcı
Dramaholic (Dramaholism, Dramaholics Anonymous) (
Arabic - ar:
Chinese - zh:
Czech - cz: Dramaholik (Dramaholismus, Anonymní dramatoholik)
Dutch - nl:
Finnish - fi:
French - fr: Drameolique (Drameholisme, Dramoliques Anonyme)
German - de: Dramaholiker (Dramaholismus, Anonyme Damaholiker)
Greek - el:
Hebrew - he:
Hungarian - hu:
Italian - it:
Japanese - ja:
Maori - mi:
Polish - pl: Dramatoholik (Dramatoholizm, Anonimowy Dramatoholik)
Portuguese - pt:
Romanian - ro:
Russian - ru: Драмаголик (Драмаголизм, Анонимные Драмоголики)
Spanish - es: Dramahólico
Swahili - sw:
Swedish - sv:
Turkish - tr:
Edgeworker (
Arabic - ar:
Chinese - zh: 邊工 (Biān gōng)
Czech - cz: Edgeworker - Hranař (pracovník na okraji/osoba pracující na hraně známého)
Dutch - nl:
Finnish - fi:
French - fr: Edgeworker (Traveilleur/se de la bordure)
German - de: Edgeworker
Greek - el:
Hebrew - he:
Hungarian - hu:
Italian - it: Edgeworker (chi lavora ai limiti)
Japanese - ja: エッジワーカー (Ejjiwākā)
Maori - mi:
Polish - pl: Edgeworker (Pracownik Krawędzi/ Osoba pracująca na krawędzi poznanego)
Portuguese - pt: Edgeworker (estrangeirismo)
Romanian - ro:
Russian - ru: Эджворкер (выходящий за ограничения)
Spanish - es: El trabajador al borde.
Swahili - sw:
Swedish - sv:
Turkish - tr:
Ego State: Child, Parent, Adult, Gremlin, Demon (
Arabic - ar:
Chinese - zh: 自我狀態:兒童,父母,成人,格林姆林,惡魔 (Zìwǒ zhuàngtài: Értóng, fùmǔ, chéngrén, gélín mǔ lín, èmó)
Czech - cz: Stav Ega: Dítě, Rodič, Dospělý, Gremlin, Démon
Dutch - nl:
Finnish - fi:
French - fr: État du Moi: Enfant, Parent, Adult, Gremlin, Démonique
German - de: Ich-Zustand / Ego-Zustand: Kind, Eltern, Erwachsen, Gremlin, Dämon
Greek - el:
Hebrew - he:
Hungarian - hu:
Italian: Stato dell'Ego: Bambino, Genitore, Adulto, Gremlin, Demone
Japanese - ja: 自我の状態:子供、親、大人、グレムリン、悪魔 (Jiga no jōtai: Kodomo, oya, otona, guremurin, akuma)
Maori - mi:
Polish - pl: Stany Ego: Dziecko, Rodzic, Dorosły, Gremlin, Demon
Portuguese - pt: Estados de Ego: Criança, Pai/Mãe/Parental, Adulto, Gremlin, Demónio
Romanian - ro:
Russian - ru: Состояние Эго: Ребёнок, Родитель, Взрослый, Гремлин, Демон
Spanish - es: Estados del Ego: el niño, el padre, el adulto, el gremlin, el demonio
Swahili - sw:
Swedish - sv:
Turkish - tr:
Emotion (
Arabic - ar:
Chinese - zh: 情感 (Qínggǎn)
Czech - cz: Emoce
Dutch - nl:
Finnish - fi:
French - fr: Émotions
German - de: Emotion
Greek - el:
Hebrew - he:
Hungarian - hu:
Italian - it: Sentimenti
Japanese - ja: 感情 (Kanjō)
Maori - mi:
Polish - pl: Emocja (z przeszłości)
Portuguese - pt: Emoção
Romanian - ro:
Russian - ru: Эмоция
Spanish - es: Emoción
Swahili - sw:
Swedish - sv:
Turkish - tr: Duygu
Emotional Reactivity (
Arabic - ar:
Chinese - zh:
Czech - cz: Emocionální reaktivita
Dutch - nl:
Finnish - fi:
French - fr: Réactivité Émotionelle
German - de: Emotionale Reaktivität
Greek - el:
Hebrew - he:
Hungarian - hu:
Italian - it: Reazione emozionale
Japanese - ja:
Maori - mi:
Polish - pl: Reaktywność emocjonalna
Portuguese - pt: Reactividade Emocional
Romanian - ro: Reactivitate Emoțională
Russian - ru: Эмоциональная реактивность
Spanish - es: Reactividad emocional
Swahili - sw:
Swedish - sv:
Turkish - tr:
Feedback (not the 'new age' version: Mirror) (
Arabic - ar:
Chinese - zh:
Czech - cz: Feedback/Zpětná vazba (nikoli "new age" verze: Zrcadlo)
Dutch - nl:
Finnish - fi:
French - fr: Feedback (pas la version de 'l'Age Nouveau': Mirroir) ou Retour
German - de: Feedback (New Age version: Spiegel)
Greek - el:
Hebrew - he:
Hungarian - hu:
Italian - it: Riscontro (versione new age: Specchio)
Japanese - ja: フィードバック(新時代バージョン:ミラー)(Fīdobakku (shin jidai bājon: Mirā))
Maori - mi:
Polish - pl: Feedback/ Informacja Zwrotna, (wersja New Age: Lustro),
Portuguese - pt: Feedback
Romanian - ro: Feedback (versiune new age: oglindă)
Russian - ru: Обратная связь
Spanish - es: Feedback (Espejo)
Swahili - sw:
Swedish - sv:
Turkish - tr:
Feeling ( (Conscious Feelings)
Arabic - ar:
Chinese - zh: 感覺 (Gǎnjué)
Czech - cz: Pocit
Dutch - nl:
Finnish - fi:
French - fr: Sentiment
German - de: Gefühl
Greek - el:
Hebrew - he:
Hungarian - hu:
Italian - it: Sentimento
Japanese - ja: 感じ (Kanji)
Maori - mi:
Polish - pl: Uczucie (z tu i teraz)
Portuguese - pt: Sentimento
Romanian - ro: sentiment
Russian - ru: Чувство
Spanish - es: Sentimiento
Swahili - sw:
Swedish - sv:
Turkish - tr: His
Gameworld (
Arabic - ar:
Chinese - zh: 遊戲世界 (Yóuxì shìjiè)
Czech - cz: Hernísvět
Dutch - nl:
Finnish - fi:
French - fr: Gameworld ou Monde du Jeu
German - de: Spielwelt
Greek - el:
Hebrew - he:
Hungarian - hu:
Italian - it: Gameworld (mondo/gioco)
Japanese - ja: ゲームの世界 (Gēmu no sekai)
Maori - mi:
Polish - pl: Gameworld/ Świat Gry
Portuguese - pt: Gameworld (estrangeirismo)
Romanian - ro:
Russian - ru: Игровой Мир
Spanish - es: Patio de recreo
Swahili - sw:
Swedish - sv:
Turkish - tr: Oyun Dünyası
Give Your Center Away (
Arabic - ar:
Chinese - zh: 放棄您的中心 (Fàngqì nín de zhōngxīn)
Czech - cz: Dát své centrum pryč.
Dutch - nl:
Finnish - fi:
French - fr: Donner ton Centre
German - de: ein Zentrum abgeben / weggeben
Greek - el:
Hebrew - he:
Hungarian - hu:
Italian - it: Dare via il tuo Centro
Japanese - ja: センターをアウェイにする (Sentā o au~ei ni suru)
Maori - mi:
Polish - pl: Oddać (swoje) centrum
Portuguese - pt: Doar/Entregar o Centro
Romanian - ro: A-ți ceda Centrul
Russian - ru: Отдавать свой Центр
Spanish - es: Regalar tu centro
Swahili - sw:
Swedish - sv:
Turkish - tr:
Go Nonlinear (
Arabic - ar:
Chinese - zh:
Czech - cz: Jednat/být nelineární.
Dutch - nl:
Finnish - fi:
French - fr: Être Nonlinéaire
German - de: sei nichtlinear
Greek - el:
Hebrew - he:
Hungarian - hu:
Italian - it: andare non lineare
Japanese - ja:
Maori - mi:
Polish - pl: Postępować nieliniowo/ Być nieliniowym
Portuguese - pt: Ser Não-linear
Romanian - ro: a deveni neliniar
Russian - ru: Действовать, поступать нелинейно
Spanish - es: Ser no-lineal
Swahili - sw:
Swedish - sv:
Turkish - tr:
Go Unreasonable (
Arabic - ar:
Chinese - zh:
Czech - cz: Být/jednat iracionálně (bezdůvodně)
Dutch - nl:
Finnish - fi:
French - fr: Être Déraisonnable
German - de: sei unvernünftig (ohne Grund)
Greek - el:
Hebrew - he:
Hungarian - hu:
Italian - it: essere irragionevole
Japanese - ja:
Maori - mi:
Polish - pl: Postępować nieracjonalnie/ Być nieracjonalnym
Portuguese - pt: Ir/Ser Irrazoável
Romanian - ro:
Russian - ru: Действовать, поступать безрассудно, не рационально
Spanish - es: Ser irrazonable
Swahili - sw:
Swedish - sv:
Turkish - tr:
Gremlin (
Arabic - ar:
Chinese - zh: 格林姆林 (Gélín mǔ lín)
Czech - cz: Gremlin
Dutch - nl:
Finnish - fi:
French - fr: Gremlin
German - de: Gremlin
Greek - el:
Hebrew - he:
Hungarian - hu:
Italian - it: Gremlin
Japanese - ja: グレムリン (Guremurin)
Maori - mi:
Polish - pl: Gremlin
Portuguese - pt: Gremlin (estrangeirismo)
Romanian - ro: Gremlin
Russian - ru: Гремлин
Spanish - es: Gremlin
Swahili - sw:
Swedish - sv:
Turkish - tr: Gremlin
Gremlin Self Cannibalism (
Arabic - ar:
Chinese - zh:
Czech - cz: Gremliní sebekanibalismus
Dutch - nl:
Finnish - fi:
French - fr:
German - de: Gremlin-Selbstkannibalismus
Greek - el:
Hebrew - he:
Hungarian - hu:
Italian - it:
Japanese - ja:
Maori - mi:
Polish - pl: Kanibalizm własny Gremlina
Portuguese - pt:
Romanian - ro: auto-canibalism Gremlin
Russian - ru: Самопоедание Гремлина
Spanish - es: El gremlin que se come así mismo
Swahili - sw:
Swedish - sv:
Turkish - tr:
Grounding Cord (
Arabic - ar:
Chinese - zh: 接地線-接地 (Jiēdì xiàn-jiēdì)
Czech - cz: Uzemňovací kabel
Dutch - nl:
Finnish - fi:
French - fr: Corde d'Ancrage
German - de: Erdungskabel
Greek - el:
Hebrew - he:
Hungarian - hu:
Italian - it: Corda di radicamento
Japanese - ja: 接地コード-ア ー スへの接続 (Setchi kōdo - āsu e no setsuzoku)
Maori - mi:
Polish - pl: Kabel Uziemiający
Portuguese - pt: Cordão de Ancoragem
Romanian - ro:<!--td {border: 1px solid #cccccc;}br {mso-data-placement:same-cell;}-->coardă de împământare
Russian - ru: Заземляющий Шнур
Spanish - es: Cable de tierra
Swahili - sw:
Swedish - sv:
Turkish - tr: Köklenme Kordonu
Guilt and Blame (
Arabic - ar:
Chinese - zh:
Czech - cz: Vina a obviňování
Dutch - nl:
Finnish - fi:
French - fr: Culpabilité (n) / Se sentir coupable (v) et Blâme (n) / Blâmer, Reprocher (v)
German - de: Schuld und Schuldzuweisungen
Greek - el:
Hebrew - he:
Hungarian - hu:
Italian - it: Guilt= colpa Blame=biasimo. Biasimo può essere un'accusa
Japanese - ja: Guilt=罪悪感 (Zaiaku-kan) Blame=非難 (Hinan)
Maori - mi:
Polish - pl: Wina /Obwinianie
Portuguese - pt: Culpa (próprio) e Culpa (acusação)
Romanian - ro: Vinovăție și vină
Russian - ru: Вина и Обвинение
Spanish - es: Culpa y vergüenza
Swahili - sw:
Swedish - sv:
Turkish - tr: Guilt= Suçluluk Blame= Suçlamak
Hammer Of Assertion ( one of the 13 Tools of a Possibilitator
Arabic - ar:
Chinese - zh:
Czech - cz: Kladivo asertivity/prosazení
Dutch - nl:
Finnish - fi:
French - fr: Marteau d'Affirmation, une des 13 Outils d'un Possibilitateur
German - de: Hammer der Durchsetzungskraft / Behauptungs-Hammer
Greek - el:
Hebrew - he:
Hungarian - hu:
Italian - it: Martello di Asserzione
Japanese - ja:
Maori - mi:
Polish - pl: Młot Asertywności
Portuguese - pt: Martelo de Asserção/Assertividade
Russian - ru: Молот Утверждения
Spanish - es: El martillo de la afirmación
Swahili - sw:
Swedish - sv:
Turkish - tr:
Handling Things (
Arabic - ar:
Chinese - zh:
Czech - cz: Vypořádání se s věcmi
Dutch - nl:
Finnish - fi:
French - fr: S'Occuper des Choses
German - de: Handhabung von Dingen
Greek - el:
Hebrew - he:
Hungarian - hu:
Italian - it: cose da gestire
Japanese - ja: 物を扱う (Mono o atsukau)
Maori - mi:
Polish - pl: Radzić sobie z czymś
Portuguese - pt: Lidar Com As Coisas
Romanian - ro:
Russian - ru: Обращение с Вещами
Spanish - es: Manejar las cosas
Swahili - sw:
Swedish - sv:
Turkish - tr:
High Drama (
Arabic - ar:
Chinese - zh: 高戲劇性 (Gāo xìjùxìng)
Czech - cz: Drama na vysoké úrovni
Dutch - nl:
Finnish - fi:
French - fr: Drame Supérieur
German - de: Hohes Drama
Greek - el:
Hebrew - he:
Hungarian - hu:
Italian - it: High Drama (Dramma alto)
Japanese - ja: ハイドラマ (Hai dorama)
Maori - mi:
Polish - pl: High Drama/ Wysoki Teatr/ Wysoka Drama
Portuguese - pt: Drama Alto
Romanian - ro: Dramă Superioară
Russian - ru: Высшая Драма
Spanish - es: Drama alto
Swahili - sw:
Swedish - sv:
Turkish - tr: Yüksek Drama
High Level Fun (
Arabic - ar:
Chinese - zh:
Czech - cz: Zábava na vysoké úrovni
Dutch - nl:
Finnish - fi:
Finnish - fi:
French - fr: Divertissement d'Haut Niveau
German - de: Spaß auf hohem Niveau / Level
Greek - el:
Hebrew - he:
Hungarian - hu:
Italian - it: Divertimento di alto livello
Japanese - ja:
Maori - mi:
Polish - pl: High Level Fun/ Zabawa Wysokiego Poziomu
Portuguese - pt: Diversão de Alto-Nível
Romanian - ro:
Russian - ru: Забава Высшего Уровня
Spanish - es: Diversión de alto nivel
Swahili - sw:
Swedish - sv:
Turkish - tr:
Holdings (as in receiving or giving a Holding) (
Arabic - ar:
Chinese - zh: 待舉行(接收或持有)
Czech - cz: Držení (být držen) (jako při přijímání nebo nabízení Držení)
Dutch - nl:
Finnish - fi:
French - fr: Tenue (recevoir ou offrir une tenue)
German - de: Holdings (gehalten werden)
Greek - el:
Hebrew - he:
Hungarian - hu:
Italian - it: Tenuta (ricevere o offrire Tenuta)
Japanese - ja: 開催中(開催中または開催中) Kaisai-chū (kaisai-chū matawa kaisai-chū)
Maori - mi:
Polish - pl: Trzymania (jak dawać lub otrzymywać Trzymanie)
Portuguese - pt: Amparo
Romanian - ro:
Russian - ru: Держание (как при получении так и предоставлении Держания)
Spanish - es: Tener en brazos, amparo
Swahili - sw:
Swedish - sv:
Turkish - tr:
Holding Space (
Arabic - ar:
Chinese - zh: 容納空間 (Róngnà kōngjiān)
Czech - cz: Držet prostor
Dutch - nl:
Finnish - fi:
French - fr: Tenir l'espace
German - de: Raum halten
Greek - el:
Hebrew - he:
Hungarian - hu:
Italian - it: Holding Space (tenere uno spazio)
Japanese - ja: 保持スペース (Hoji supēsu)
Maori - mi:
Polish - pl: Trzymanie Przestrzeni
Portuguese - pt: Amparar Espaço
Romanian - ro: a susține spațiul
Russian - ru: Держать Пространство
Spanish - es: Sostener el espacio
Swahili - sw:
Swedish - sv:
Turkish - tr: Alan Tutmak
Is-Glue / Is-Glue Dissolver (,
Arabic - ar:
Chinese - zh: 膠水 (Jiāoshuǐ)
Czech - cz: Je-lepidlo / Rozpouštěč Je-lepidla
Dutch - nl:
Finnish - fi:
French - fr: la Colle-Est / le Dissolvant de la Colle-Est
German - de: Ist-Kleber / Ist-Kleber-Lösungsmittel
Greek - el:
Hebrew - he:
Hungarian - hu:
Italian - it: Colla-è
Japanese - ja: 接着剤 (Setchaku-zai)
Maori - mi:
Polish - pl: ,,Jest"-Klej / Rozpuszczalnik - ,,Jest"
Portuguese - pt: Cola-É/Cola-do-É
Romanian - ro:
Russian - ru: Есть-клей / Растворитель Есть-клея
Spanish - es: Pegamento 'es', disolvente de pegamento 'es'
Swahili - sw:
Swedish - sv:
Turkish - tr:
Low Drama (
Arabic - ar:
Chinese - zh: 低戲劇性 (Dī xìjùxìng)
Czech - cz: Přízemní Drama
Dutch - nl:
Finnish - fi:
French - fr: Drame Inférieur
German - de: Niederes Drama
Greek - el:
Hebrew - he:
Hungarian - hu:
Italian - it: Low Drama (dramma basso)
Japanese - ja: 低ドラマ (Tei dorama)
Maori - mi:
Polish - pl: Trójkąt Dramatyczny / Niska Drama/ Niski Teatr
Portuguese - pt: Drama Baixo
Romanian - ro: Dramă Joasă
Russian - ru: Низшая Драма
Spanish - es: Drama bajo.
Swahili - sw: Tamthiliya ya chini
Swedish - sv:
Turkish - tr: Alçak Drama
Matrix / Matrix Points (as in 'build Matrix to hold more Consciousness') (
Arabic - ar:
Chinese - zh: 矩陣 / 矩陣點 (Jǔzhèn / jǔzhèn diǎn)
Czech - cz: Matrix / Matrix body
Dutch - nl:
Finnish - fi:
French - fr: Matrice / Points de Matrice
German - de: Matrix / Matrix-Punkte
Greek - el:
Hebrew - he:
Hungarian - hu:
Italian - it: Matrici / Punti Matrice
Japanese - ja: マトリックス / マトリックスポイント (Matorikkusu / matorikkusu pointo)
Maori - mi:
Polish - pl: Matrix/Macierz / Punkty Matrixa
Portuguese - pt: Matriz / Pontos de Matriz
Romanian - ro: Martice / Puncte Matrice
Russian - ru: Матрица/ Пункты Матрицы (как в «выстраивании матрице, дабы удерживать больше сознания»)
Spanish - es: Matriz, puntos de Matriz
Swahili - sw:
Swedish - sv:
Turkish - tr: Matriks (Matriks Puanları)
Arabic - ar:
Chinese - zh:
Czech - cz: Múza
Dutch - nl:
Finnish - fi:
French - fr: Muse
German - de: Muse
Greek - el:
Hebrew - he:
Hungarian - hu:
Italian - it: Musa
Japanese - ja:
Maori - mi:
Polish - pl: Muza
Portuguese - pt: Musa
Romanian - ro: Muză
Russian - ru: Муза
Spanish - es: Musa
Swahili - sw:
Swedish - sv:
Turkish - tr:
Middleworld (
Arabic - ar:
Chinese - zh: 中間世界 (Zhōngjiān shìjiè)
Czech - cz: Prostřední svět/Středosvět
Dutch - nl:
Finnish - fi:
French - fr: Monde du Milieu
German - de: Mittelwelt
Greek - el:
Hebrew - he:
Hungarian - hu:
Italian - it: Mondo di Mezzo
Japanese - ja: ミドルワールド (Midoruwārudo)
Maori - mi:
Polish - pl: Świat Środka
Portuguese - pt: Mundo Mundano
Romanian - ro: Lumea de Mijloc
Russian - ru: Срединный Мир
Spanish - es: El mundo del medio
Swahili - sw:
Swedish - sv:
Turkish - tr: Orta Dünya
Navigating Space / Space Navigator (
Arabic - ar:
Chinese - zh: 導航空間 / 空間導航器 (Dǎoháng kōngjiān / Kōngjiān dǎoháng qì)
Czech - cz: Navigace prostorem / Navigátor prostorem
Dutch - nl:
Finnish - fi:
French - fr: Naviguer l'espace / Le navigateur de l'espace
German - de: Raum navigieren / Raum-Navigator
Greek - el:
Hebrew - he:
Hungarian - hu:
Italian - it: Navigare lo Spazio / Colui che Naviga lo Spazio
Japanese - ja: スペースのナビゲート/スペースナビゲーター (Supēsu no nabigēto / supēsunabigētā)
Maori - mi:
Polish - pl: Nawigować Przestrzeń / Nawigator (przestrzeni)
Portuguese - pt: Navegar o Espaço / Navegante de Espaço
Romanian - ro: A naviga spațiu / Navigator de spațiu
Russian - ru: Навигация Пространства / Навигатор Пространства
Spanish - es: Navegar los espacios
Swahili - sw:
Swedish - sv:
Turkish - tr:
Numbness Bar (
Arabic - ar:
Chinese - zh: 麻木吧 (Mámù ba)
Czech - cz: Práh znecitlivění/ Práh otupění
Dutch - nl:
Finnish - fi:
French - fr: la Barre d'Engourdissement
German - de: Taubheitsschwelle
Greek - el:
Hebrew - he:
Hungarian - hu:
Italian - it: Numbness bar (livello di intorpidimento)
Japanese - ja: しびれバー (Shibire bā)
Maori - mi:
Polish - pl: Próg Znieczulenia/ Próg Odrętwienia
Portuguese - pt: Barra de Dormência
Romanian - ro: Nivelul de nesimțire/ de insensibilitate
Russian - ru: Барьер Бесчувствия
Spanish - es: La barra de la insensibilidad
Swahili - sw:
Swedish - sv:
Turkish - tr: Hissizlik Seviyesi
Open An Energetic Door to New Possibility (
Arabic - ar:
Chinese - zh:
Czech - cz: Otevření energetických dveří k novým možnostem
Dutch - nl:
Finnish - fi:
French - fr: Ouvrir une porte énergétique vers de Nouvelle Possibilité
German - de: Eine energetische Tür zu neuen Möglichkeiten öffnen
Greek - el:
Hebrew - he:
Hungarian - hu:
Italian - it: Aprire una porta energetica a Nuove Possibilita'
Japanese - ja:
Maori - mi:
Polish - pl: Otworzyć Energetyczne Drzwi do Nowych Możliwości
Portuguese - pt: Abre Uma Porta Energética Para Nova Possibilidade
Romanian - ro:
Russian - ru: Открыть Энергетическую Дверь для Новой Возможности
Spanish - es: Abrir una puerta energética a una posibilidad nueva
Swahili - sw:
Swedish - sv:
Turkish - tr:
Poop On The Table Process (
Arabic - ar:
Chinese - zh:
Czech - cz: Proces "Bobek na stůl" / "Všechny karty na stůl"
Dutch - nl:
Finnish - fi:
French - fr: Le Processus de mettre la Merde sur la Table / Cartes sur Table
German - de: 'Scheiße auf den Tisch' Prozess / 'Alle Karten auf den Tisch' Prozess
Greek - el:
Hebrew - he:
Hungarian - hu:
Italian - it: Processo cacca sul tavolo
Japanese - ja:
Maori - mi:
Polish - pl: Proces Wyciągania Brudów na Wierzch
Portuguese - pt: Processo Cocó na Mesa/Cartas na Mesa
Romanian - ro: Procesul de a pune căcatul pe masă
Russian - ru: Наложить "Кучу" на Стол Процесса
Spanish - es: El proceso de la caca en la mesa
Swahili - sw:
Swedish - sv:
Turkish - tr:
Possibility Management ( thoughtware for next culture - archiarchy
(NOTE: As much as we can, we keep 'Possibility Management' as an untranslated word, which means it is the same in all languages. This is also true, in general, with the term 'Possibility Manager'.)
Arabic - ar:
Chinese - zh:
Czech - cz:
Dutch - nl:
Finnish - fi:
French - fr: Gestion du Possible
German - de:
Greek - el:
Hebrew - he:
Hungarian - hu:
Italian - it:
Japanese - ja:
Maori - mi:
Polish - pl:
Portuguese - pt:
Romanian - ro:
Russian - ru:
Spanish - es:
Swahili - sw:
Swedish - sv:
Turkish - tr:
Possibility Manager (
Arabic - ar: (mudir alaihtimalat) مدير الاحتمالات
Chinese - zh: 可能性經理 (Kěnéng xìng jīnglǐ)
Czech - cz: Possibility Manager (Manažer možností)
Dutch - nl:
Finnish - fi:
French - fr: Gestionnaire de Possibilité / Possibilitateur
German - de: Possibility Manager (Möglichkeits-Manager)
Greek - el:
Hebrew - he:
Hungarian - hu:
Italian - it: Gestore delle Possibilità, o lasciato in inglese Possibility Manager
Japanese - ja: 可能性マネージャー (Kanōsei manējā)
Maori - mi:
Polish - pl: Possibility Manager / Menedżer Możliwości
Portuguese - pt: Possibility Manager / Gestor da Possibilidade
Romanian - ro: Possibility Management/ Possibility Manager
Russian - ru: Possibility Manager / Менджер Возможностей
Spanish - es: El gestor de la posibilidad
Swahili - sw: Uwezo wa Meneja
Swedish - sv:
Turkish - tr: Olasılık Yöneticisi
Possibility Team (
Arabic - ar:
Chinese - zh: 可能性小組 (Kěnéng xìng xiǎozǔ)
Czech - cz: Possibility Team / Tým možností
Dutch - nl:
Finnish - fi:
French - fr: L'équipe des Possibilités
German - de: Möglichkeits-Team
Greek - el:
Hebrew - he:
Hungarian - hu:
Italian - it: Gruppo delle possibilità, o lasciato in inglese Possibility Team
Japanese - ja: 可能性チーム (Kanōsei chīmu)
Maori - mi:
Polish - pl: Possibility Team/ Zespół Możliwości
Portuguese - pt: Equipa da Possibilidade (PT)/Time da Possibilidade (BR)
Romanian - ro: Echipă de Posibilități
Russian - ru: Команда Возможностей
Spanish - es: Equipo de posibilidad
Swahili - sw:
Swedish - sv:
Turkish - tr: Olasılık Ekibi
Radical Honesty (
Arabic - ar:
Chinese - zh: 激進的誠實 (Jījìn de chéngshí)
Czech - cz: Radikální upřímnost
Dutch - nl:
Finnish - fi:
French - fr: l'honnêteté radicale
German - de: Radikale Ehrlichkeit
Greek - el:
Hebrew - he:
Hungarian - hu:
Italian - it: Onesta' Radicale
Japanese - ja: 過激な誠実さ (Kagekina seijitsu-sa)
Maori - mi:
Polish - pl: Radykalna Szczerość
Portuguese - pt: Honestidade Radical
Romanian - ro: Sinceritate Radicală
Russian - ru: Радикальная Честность
Spanish - es: Honestidad radical
Swahili - sw:
Swedish - sv:
Turkish - tr:
Radical Relating (
Arabic - ar:
Chinese - zh:
Czech - cz: Radikální vztahovost (vztahování se)
Dutch - nl:
Finnish - fi:
French - fr: Le rapport radicale
German - de: Radikales Beziehen (auf)
Greek - el:
Hebrew - he:
Hungarian - hu:
Italian - it:
Japanese - ja:
Maori - mi:
Polish - pl: Radykalna Relacyjność
Portuguese - pt:
Romanian - ro:
Russian - ru: Радикальное отношение
Spanish - es: Relación radical
Swahili - sw:
Swedish - sv:
Turkish - tr:
Radical Reliance (
Arabic - ar:
Chinese - zh:
Czech - cz: Radikální spoléhání se (na někoho nebo něco)
Dutch - nl:
Finnish - fi:
French - fr: Radicalement compter sur quelqu'un ou quelque chose
German - de: Radikale Verlässlichkeit
Greek - el:
Hebrew - he:
Hungarian - hu:
Italian - it: Affidamento Radicale
Japanese - ja:
Maori - mi:
Polish - pl: Radykalne Zaufanie
Portuguese - pt: Confiança Radical
Romanian - ro:
Russian - ru: Радикальное доверие
Spanish - es: Confiar radicalmente
Swahili - sw:
Swedish - sv:
Turkish - tr:
Radical Responsibility (
Arabic - ar:
Chinese - zh:
Czech - cz: Radikální zodpovědnost
Dutch - nl:
Finnish - fi:
French - fr: La Responsabilité Radicale
German - de: Radikale Verantwortung
Greek - el:
Hebrew - he:
Hungarian - hu:
Italian - it: Responsabilita' Radicale
Japanese - ja:
Maori - mi:
Polish - pl: Radykalna Odpowiedzialność
Portuguese - pt: Responsabilidade Radical
Romanian - ro: Responsabilitate Radicală
Russian - ru: Радикальная Ответственность
Spanish - es: Responsabilidad radical
Swahili - sw:
Swedish - sv:
Turkish - tr: Radikal Sorumluluk
Radical Simplicity (
Arabic - ar:
Chinese - zh:
Czech - cz: Radikální jednoduchost
Dutch - nl:
Finnish - fi:
French - fr: La Simplicité Radicale
German - de: Radikale Schlichtheit
Greek - el:
Hebrew - he:
Hungarian - hu:
Italian - it:
Japanese - ja:
Maori - mi:
Polish - pl: Radykalna Prostota
Portuguese - pt:
Romanian - ro: Simplicitate Radicală
Russian - ru: Радикальная Простота
Spanish - es: Simplicidad radical
Swahili - sw:
Swedish - sv:
Turkish - tr:
Rage Club (
Arabic - ar:
Chinese - zh:
Czech - cz: Rage Club / Klub hněvu
Dutch - nl:
Finnish - fi:
French - fr: Club de Rage
German - de: Rage Club / Wut-Klub
Greek - el:
Hebrew - he:
Hungarian - hu:
Italian - it:
Japanese - ja:
Maori - mi:
Polish - pl: Rage Club
Portuguese - pt: Clube da Raiva
Romanian - ro: Rage Club/ Clubul Furiei
Russian - ru: Клуб Ярости
Spanish - es: Club de la rabia
Swahili - sw:
Swedish - sv:
Turkish - tr:
Relationship Space Cleanout Process (
Arabic - ar:
Chinese - zh: 關係空間清理過程 (Guānxì kōngjiān qīnglǐ guòchéng)
Czech - cz: Proces očisty prostoru vztahu
Dutch - nl:
Finnish - fi:
French - fr: Le Processus de Nettoyage de l'Espace Relationnel
German - de: Reinigungsprozess des Beziehungsraums
Greek - el:
Hebrew - he:
Hungarian - hu:
Italian - it: Processo di Pulizia dello Spazio delle Relazioni
Japanese - ja: 関係スペースクリーンアウトプロセス (Kankei supēsukurīn'autopurosesu)
Maori - mi:
Polish - pl: Proces Czyszczenia Przestrzeni Relacji
Portuguese - pt: Processo de Limpeza do Espaço Relacional
Romanian - ro:
Russian - ru: Процесс очистки Пространства Отношений
Spanish - es: El proceso para limpiar el espacio de la relación
Swahili - sw:
Swedish - sv:
Turkish - tr:
Shadow Principles (
Arabic - ar:
Chinese - zh: 影子原則 (Yǐngzi yuánzé)
Czech - cz: Stínové zásady/principy
Dutch - nl:
Finnish - fi:
French - fr: Les Principes de l'Ombre
German - de: Schattenprinzipien
Greek - el:
Hebrew - he:
Hungarian - hu:
Italian - it: Principi Ombra
Japanese - ja: シャドー原則 (Shadō gensoku)
Maori - mi:
Polish - pl: Cieniowe Zasady
Portuguese - pt: Princípios Sombrios
Romanian - ro:
Russian - ru: Теневые Принципы
Spanish - es: Los principios de la sombra
Swahili - sw:
Swedish - sv:
Turkish - tr: Gölge İlkeler
Spaceholder (
Arabic - ar:
Chinese - zh: 太空人 (Tàikōng rén)
Czech - cz:
Dutch - nl:
Finnish - fi:
French - fr: Teneur de l'espace
German - de: Raumhalter
Greek - el:
Hebrew - he:
Hungarian - hu:
Italian - it: Spaceholder (Colui che tiene lo spazio)
Japanese - ja: スペースホルダー (Supēsuhorudā)
Maori - mi:
Polish - pl: Spaceholder / Osoba trzymająca przestrzeń
Portuguese - pt: Amparador de Espaço
Romanian - ro: Spaceholder/ Susținătorul Spațiului
Russian - ru: Держатель Пространства
Spanish - es: El sostenedor del espacio
Swahili - sw:
Swedish - sv:
Turkish - tr: Alan Tutucu
Sword of Clarity ( one of the 13 Tools of a Possibilitator
Arabic - ar:
Chinese - zh: 清晰之劍 (Qīngxī zhī jiàn)
Czech - cz:
Dutch - nl:
Finnish - fi:
French - fr: L'Épée de Clarté
German - de: Schwert der Klarheit
Greek - el:
Hebrew - he:
Hungarian - hu:
Italian - it: Spada della Chiarezza
Japanese - ja: ソードオブクラリティ (Sōdoobukurariti)
Maori - mi:
Polish - pl: Miecz Klarowności
Portuguese - pt: Espada da Clareza
Romanian - ro: Sabia Clarității
Russian - ru: Меч Ясности
Spanish - es: La espada de claridad
Swahili - sw:
Swedish - sv:
Turkish - tr:
Technopenuriaphobia (TPP) (this word should NOT be translated because it is Latin / Greek and therefore universal, although its meaning can be translated) (
Arabic - ar:
Chinese - zh: 排尿恐懼症 (Páiniào kǒngjù zhèng)
Czech - cz:
Dutch - nl:
Finnish - fi:
French - fr: Technopénuriaphobia
German - de: Technopenuriaphobia (TPP) = die Angst vor dem Fehlen von Technologie
Greek - el:
Hebrew - he:
Hungarian - hu:
Italian - it: Technopenuriaphobia (Paura di perdere la tecnologia)
Japanese - ja: Technopenuriaphobia
Maori - mi:
Polish - pl: Technopenuriaphobia - Lęk przed utratą technologii
Portuguese - pt: Tecnopenuriafobia
Romanian - ro:
Russian - ru: Technopenuriaphobia «страх перед отсутствием технологий»
Spanish - es: Tecnopenuriafobia
Swahili - sw:
Swedish - sv:
Turkish - tr:
Thoughtmap (, and
Arabic - ar:
Chinese - zh: 思想圖 (Sīxiǎng tú)
Czech - cz:
Dutch - nl:
Finnish - fi:
French - fr: Carte de Pensée
German - de: Denk-Landkarte
Greek - el:
Hebrew - he:
Hungarian - hu:
Italian - it: Mappa di Pensiero
Japanese - ja: 思考マップ (Shikō mappu)
Maori - mi:
Polish - pl: Mapa myślowa
Portuguese - pt: Mapa de Pensamento
Romanian - ro:
Russian - ru: Ментальная Карта
Spanish - es: Mapa de pensamiento
Swahili - sw:
Swedish - sv:
Turkish - tr: Düşünce Haritası
Thoughtware ( what you use to think with
(as in S.H.I.T. = Standard Human Intelligence Thoughtware:
Arabic - ar:
Chinese - zh: 思想軟件 (Sīxiǎng ruǎnjiàn)
Czech - cz:
Dutch - nl:
Finnish - fi:
French - fr: Pensiciel
German - de: Denk-Programm
Greek - el:
Hebrew - he:
Hungarian - hu:
Italian - it: Modi di Pensare / Nuove Consapevolezze – sistemi di pensiero
Japanese - ja: 思考ウェア (Shikō u~ea)
Maori - mi:
Polish - pl: Oprogramowanie myślowe / Omyślowanie
Portuguese - pt: Thoughtware (estrangeirismo)
Romanian - ro: Thoughtware / Mod de Gândire
Russian - ru: Мыслительное Программное Обеспечение (как в S.H.I.T. = Standard Human Intelligence Thoughtware / Стандартное программное обеспечение человеческого интеллекта)
Spanish - es: la máquina de pensar
Swahili - sw:
Swedish - sv:
Turkish - tr: Düşünce Yazılımı (S.İ.K Düşünce Yazılımı: Standard İnsan Kapasitesi Düşünce Yazılımı)
Thoughtware Upgrade (
Arabic - ar:
Chinese - zh:
Czech - cz:
Dutch - nl:
Finnish - fi:
French - fr: Actualiser ton Pensiciel
German - de: Aktualisierung des Denk-Programms
Greek - el:
Hebrew - he:
Hungarian - hu:
Italian - it: Aggiornamento del modo di pensare
Japanese - ja:
Maori - mi:
Polish - pl: Aktualizacja Oprogramowania Myślowego
Portuguese - pt: Actualização de Thoughtware
Romanian - ro: Upgrade la Modul de Gândire
Russian - ru: Обновление Мыслительного Программного Обеспечения
Spanish - es: Actualizar la máquina de pensar
Swahili - sw:
Swedish - sv:
Turkish - tr:
Toolbelt / Energetic Tools ( of a Possibilitator
Arabic - ar:
Chinese - zh: 工具帶 / 能量工具 (Gōngjù dài / néngliàng gōngjù)
Czech - cz:
Dutch - nl:
Finnish - fi:
French - fr: Ceinture à outils / Outils Énergétiques
German - de: Werkzeuggürtel / energetische Werkzeuge
Greek - el:
Hebrew - he:
Hungarian - hu:
Italian - it: Cintura degli Strumenti energetici
Japanese - ja: ツールベルト / エネルギーツール (Tsūruberuto / Enerugītsūru)
Maori - mi:
Polish - pl: Pas z narzędziami / Narzędzia energetyczne
Portuguese - pt: Cinto de Ferramentas Energético
Romanian - ro:
Russian - ru: Пояс Инструментов / Энергетические Инструменты
Spanish - es: El cinturón de las herramientas/ herramientas energéticas
Swahili - sw:
Swedish - sv:
Turkish - tr:
Torus Technology ( non-hierarchical circular meeting processes
Arabic - ar:
Chinese - zh:
Czech - cz:
Dutch - nl:
Finnish - fi:
French - fr: La Technologie du Torus
German - de: Torus Technologie
Greek - el:
Hebrew - he:
Hungarian - hu:
Italian - it: Tecnologia Torus
Japanese - ja:
Maori - mi:
Polish - pl: Technologia Torusa
Portuguese - pt: Tecnologia Toroidal
Romanian - ro:
Russian - ru: Технология Тора
Spanish - es: Tecnología del 'Torus'
Swahili - sw:
Swedish - sv:
Turkish - tr:
Trigger / Being Triggered (
Arabic - ar:
Chinese - zh: 觸發 / 觸發狀態 (Chùfā / chùfā zhuàngtài)
Czech - cz:
Dutch - nl:
Finnish - fi:
French - fr: Un déclencheur / Être déclencher
German - de: Trigger / getriggert sein
Greek - el:
Hebrew - he:
Hungarian - hu:
Italian - it: Innesco / Stato d’Innesco
Japanese - ja: トリガー / トリガー状態 (Torigā / torigā jōtai)
Maori - mi:
Polish - pl: Trigger/ Wyzwalacz/ Haczyk /Bycie strigerowanym/ Bycie zahaczonym
Portuguese - pt: Gatilho / Estado Activado
Romanian - ro: a fi
Russian - ru: Триггер / быть спровоцированным
Spanish - es: Detonador
Swahili - sw:
Swedish - sv:
Turkish - tr:
Underworld (
Arabic - ar:
Chinese - zh: 地獄 (Dìyù)
Czech - cz:
Dutch - nl:
Finnish - fi:
French - fr: le Monde Obscure
German - de: Unterwelt
Greek - el:
Hebrew - he:
Hungarian - hu:
Italian - it: Mondo di Sotto
Japanese - ja: アンダーワールド (Andāwārudo)
Maori - mi:
Polish - pl: Świat Podziemia / Dolny Świat
Portuguese - pt: Mundo Obscuro
Romanian - ro:
Russian - ru: Нижний Мир
Spanish - es: Inframundo
Swahili - sw:
Swedish - sv:
Turkish - tr: Yeraltı Dünyası
Unhookable (
Arabic - ar:
Chinese - zh:
Czech - cz:
Dutch - nl:
Finnish - fi:
French - fr: inaccrochable
German - de: unanhakbar = dem Haken fern bleiben
Greek - el:
Hebrew - he:
Hungarian - hu:
Italian - it:
Japanese - ja:
Maori - mi:
Polish - pl: Być niezahaczalnym
Portuguese - pt:
Romanian - ro: a fi imun la ademeniri
Russian - ru: Незацепляемый/ая
Spanish - es: Inmune a las trampas
Swahili - sw:
Swedish - sv:
Turkish - tr:
Upperworld (
Arabic - ar:
Chinese - zh: 上層世界 (Shàngcéng shìjiè)
Czech - cz:
Dutch - nl:
Finnish - fi:
French - fr: Monde Lumineux
German - de: Oberwelt
Greek - el:
Hebrew - he:
Hungarian - hu:
Italian - it: Mondo di Sopra
Japanese - ja: 上界 (Jōkai)
Maori - mi:
Polish - pl: Świat Górny
Portuguese - pt: Mundo Luminoso
Romanian - ro:
Russian - ru: Верхний Мир
Spanish - es: Mundo superior
Swahili - sw:
Swedish - sv:
Turkish - tr: Üst Dünya
Vacuum Learning (,
Arabic - ar:
Chinese - zh:
Czech - cz:
Dutch - nl:
Finnish - fi:
French - fr: L'apprentissage dans le vide
German - de: Vakuum-Lernen / Lernen durch Vakuum
Greek - el:
Hebrew - he:
Hungarian - hu:
Italian - it: Apprendimento a vuoto
Japanese - ja:
Maori - mi:
Polish - pl: Nauka przez Próżnię
Portuguese - pt: Aprendizagem de Vácuo
Romanian - ro:
Russian - ru: Вакуумное Обучение
Spanish - es: Aprendizaje en el vacío
Swahili - sw:
Swedish - sv:
Turkish - tr:
Voice Blaster ( one of the 13 Tools of a Possibilitator
Arabic - ar:
Chinese - zh: 語音衝擊波 (Yǔyīn chōngjíbō)
Czech - cz:
Dutch - nl:
Finnish - fi:
French - fr: Le Blaster des Voix
German - de: Stimmen-Colt
Greek - el:
Hebrew - he:
Hungarian - hu:
Italian - it: Pistola Laser per le Voci
Japanese - ja: ボイスブラスター (Boisuburasutā)
Maori - mi:
Polish - pl: Blaster Głosów
Portuguese - pt: Obliterador de Vozes /Rebenta-Vozes
Romanian - ro:
Russian - ru: Пушка для Голосов
Spanish - es: Dinamita para voces
Swahili - sw:
Swedish - sv:
Turkish - tr:
Walker (the 'Walker' is the person who keeps some turbulence going in a Torus Technology Meeting Space) (
Arabic - ar:
Chinese - zh:
Czech - cz:
Dutch - nl:
Finnish - fi:
French - fr: Marcheur
German - de: Geher - der 'Geher' ist die Person, die in einem Torus Technologie Tagungsraum für Turbulenzen sorgt
Greek - el:
Hebrew - he:
Hungarian - hu:
Italian - it: Viandante
Japanese - ja: ウォーカー (U~ōkā)(宇宙に向かう乱気流を保ちます)(uchū ni mukau rankiryū o tamochimasu)
Maori - mi:
Polish - pl: Piechór / Chodziarz
Portuguese - pt: Caminhante
Romanian - ro:
Russian - ru: Ходок («Ходок» - это человек, поддерживающий некоторую турбулентность в пространстве встреч Технологии Тора)
Spanish - es: El caminante
Swahili - sw:
Swedish - sv:
Turkish - tr:
Wand Of Declaration ( one of the 13 Tools of a Possibilitator
Arabic - ar:
Chinese - zh: 魔法宣言魔杖 (Mófǎ xuānyán mózhàng)
Czech - cz:
Dutch - nl:
Finnish - fi:
French - fr: La Baguette Magique de Déclaration
German - de: Zauberstab der Deklaration
Greek - el:
Hebrew - he:
Hungarian - hu:
Italian - it: Bacchetta Magica per Dichiarare
Japanese - ja: 宣言の魔法の杖 (Sengen no mahō no tsue)
Maori - mi:
Polish - pl: Różdżka Deklaracji
Portuguese - pt: Varinha de Declaração
Romanian - ro:
Russian - ru: Стена Декларации
Spanish - es: La varita para declarar
Swahili - sw:
Swedish - sv:
Turkish - tr:
White Widow (
Arabic - ar:
Chinese - zh:
Czech - cz:
Dutch - nl:
Finnish - fi:
French - fr: Veuve Blanche
German - de: Weiße Witwe
Greek - el:
Hebrew - he:
Hungarian - hu:
Italian - it: Vedova Bianca
Japanese - ja:
Maori - mi:
Polish - pl: Biała Wdowa
Portuguese - pt: Viúva Branca
Romanian - ro:
Russian - ru: Белая Вдова
Spanish - es: Viuda blanca
Swahili - sw:
Swedish - sv:
Turkish - tr:
Winning Happening (,
Arabic - ar:
Chinese - zh:
Czech - cz:
Dutch - nl:
Finnish - fi:
French - fr: Le Gain Universel
German - de: Gewinnen geschieht
Greek - el:
Hebrew - he:
Hungarian - hu:
Italian - it:
Japanese - ja:
Maori - mi:
Polish - pl: Wygrywanie Się Dzieje
Portuguese - pt: Ganho-Acontecendo
Romanian - ro:
Russian - ru: Победа происходит
Spanish - es: El universo gana
Swahili - sw:
Swedish - sv:
Turkish - tr:
Yellow Stuff ( what you experience of Archetypal Love in a space
Arabic - ar:
Chinese - zh: 黃色的東西 (Huángsè de dōngxī)
Czech - cz:
Dutch - nl:
Finnish - fi:
French - fr: La Chose Jaune
German - de: Gelbes Etwas / Zeug
Greek - el:
Hebrew - he:
Hungarian - hu:
Italian - it: Cose Gialle
Japanese - ja: 黄色いもの (Kiiroi mono)
Maori - mi:
Polish - pl: Żółte Sprawy/Rzeczy
Portuguese - pt: Material Amarelo
Romanian - ro:
Russian - ru: Жёлтые Вещи / Дела
Spanish - es: La cosa amarilla
Swahili - sw:
Swedish - sv:
Turkish - tr: Sarı Şey
Zombies (
Arabic - ar:
Chinese - zh:
Czech - cz:
Dutch - nl:
Finnish - fi:
French - fr: Zombie / Mort-Vivant
German - de: Zombies
Greek - el:
Hebrew - he:
Hungarian - hu:
Italian - it: Zombie/Morti viventi
Japanese - ja:
Maori - mi:
Polish - pl: Zombiaki/ Zombi
Portuguese - pt: Zombies
Romanian - ro:
Russian - ru: Зомби
Spanish - es: Zombies
Swahili - sw:
Swedish - sv:
Turkish - tr:
(next word for this multi-language PM Dictionary...)
Arabic - ar:
Chinese - zh:
Czech - cz:
Dutch - nl:
Finnish - fi:
French - fr:
German - de:
Greek - el:
Hebrew - he:
Hungarian - hu:
Italian - it:
Japanese - ja:
Maori - mi:
Polish - pl:
Portuguese - pt:
Romanian - ro:
Russian - ru:
Spanish - es:
Swahili - sw:
Swedish - sv:
Turkish - tr:
Two Happy PM Website Experimenters.